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what does spar mean in boxing

「what does spar mean in boxing」文章包含有:「Spar」、「SparDefinition&Meaning」、「SPARdefinitionandmeaning」、「SPAR」、「Sparring」、「SPARRINGDefinition&Meaning」、「ThedifferencebetweenSPARRINGandFIGHTINGinthering!!」、「Whatdoesitmeantto'sparwithsomeone'?」、「What'sthedifferencebetweensparringandfightingin...」

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either literally by punching each other, or figuratively by exchanging verbal blows.

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Spar Definition & Meaning
Spar Definition & Meaning


The meaning of SPAR is a stout pole. How to use spar in a sentence ... : a movement of offense or defense in boxing. 2. : a sparring match or session. spar. 4 ...

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SPAR definition and meaning
SPAR definition and meaning


If you spar with someone, you box using fairly gentle blows instead of hitting your opponent hard, either when you are training or when you want to test how quickly your opponent reacts. With protective gear on you can spar with a partner. [ VERB + with]

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to practice the sport of boxing without hitting hard: Dexter sparred with his partner for about an hour. To spar also means ...

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Sparring is a form of training common to many combat sports including kickboxing. Although the precise form varies, it is essentially relatively 'free-form' ...

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SPARRING Definition & Meaning
SPARRING Definition & Meaning


Sparring definition: the act or process of boxing with light blows, or of training by practicing the motions of attack and defense: I'm heading to the ...

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The difference between SPARRING and FIGHTING in the ring!!
The difference between SPARRING and FIGHTING in the ring!!


If you spar with someone, you box using fairly gentle blows instead of hitting your opponent hard, either when you are training or when you want to test how quickly your opponent reacts. With protective gear on you can spar with a partner. [ VERB + with]

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What does it meant to 'spar with someone'?
What does it meant to 'spar with someone'?


Sparring refers to practicing boxing with a partner in a boxing ring. The word has been around for a couple hundred years. To spar with someone, ...

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What's the difference between sparring and fighting in ...
What's the difference between sparring and fighting in ...


In boxing, sparring is a controlled fight that follows boxing rules. It's usually done with training partners. Fighting is a controlled match ...